A Commitment to Player Health, Safety and Performance

A Commitment to Player Health, Safety and Performance

The Player Health, Safety, and Performance Platform at FC Wisconsin is a commitment to maximize long-term athlete development and performance with the highest possible emphasis on player health and safety.  Through periodisation and planning based on the best methodology in the world, and relationships with industry leading experts, the club is committed to providing the best and safest long term athlete development model possible.   

Periodisation and Planning:

Training sessions and loads for each team are planned and periodised to maximize performance and allow appropriate recovery for a positive training effect.  The length and dimensions of each activity, the rest and work intervals in each activity, and the overall demand of the session from day-to-day are carefully planned to allow for maximum growth without over-training and diminishing returns in physical performance.


Concussions - An Injury Requiring Immediate Evaluation

Concussions - An Injury Requiring Immediate Evaluation

A concussion is a brain injury that impacts the way the brain functions.  When athletes have been hit in the head, or fallen and hit their head against the ground, it is important to check to see if they show signs of a concussion.  These symptoms may or may not be immediately noticeable, but include:

  • Appearing dazed or stunned
  • Confusion
  • Answers questions slowly
  • Loss of memory
  • Difficulty thinking clearly
  • Feeling sluggish, hazy, or groggy
  • Headache
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Blurring vision

Players with symptoms like the above after a blow to the head should NOT return to play the day the injury occurred, and should seek medical attention right away.

Additionally, new laws require that any player with a concussion must see a medical provider prior to returning to play or training.  For more information on concussions, please go to http://www.cdc.gov/HeadsUp

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