FC Wisconsin Makes Holidays Brighter with Wish List Drive

FC Wisconsin Makes Holidays Brighter with Wish List Drive

This past December before the Holidays, FC Wisconsin families participated in a Holiday Wish List Drive, aimed at bringing joy and help to those part of the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Eastern Wisconsin. Many of these families are struggling, and the festive season can be challenging, so a small gesture like a gift for a child or canned food for a family can make a significant difference. Our families donated items ranging from canned food, household items, and gifts from infants to teenagers. 


More information regarding Ronald McDonald House Charities Eastern Wisconsin can be found on their website: https://rmhc-easternwi.org/


A huge thank you to everyone who brought in donations. The Ronald McDonald House Charities of Eastern Wisconsin were extremely thankful for all of the items that were donated.


With everyone’s incredible generosity, FC Wisconsin was able to help make a difference in these families lives this Holiday season! 

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